Terre di Nessuno: Arenas Movedizas (No man’s land: Quicksand), 2002/08
Truth is the least certain of things. It has reached the point where it is nothing but an empty aspiration, lacking content. Instead, we talk about whether something seems plausible: about news (...)
Blanca sobre negra (White on black), 2004
Blanca sobre negra tells us little stories of the inhabitants of a quiet little town called Blanca. Using the registers of the documentary, the camera explores the micro-stories of three weavers (...)
Googlegrama: Prestige (GoogleGram: Prestige), 2007
Ozono and Prestige are part of a wider series called Googlegrams. Technically, a Googlegram is the result of the collision of two apparently different worlds: the Google search engine and the (...)Protomembrana is presented as a theoretical and practical lesson on systemwriting; that is, on "playwriting" for computer systems. Using words, music, and graphic animation as a multimedia whole (...)
Reflecting JCC Brain Research II, 2007
What is the difference between a normal and an abnormal mind? A balanced mix of rational thought and emotion guides our social behaviour, but what happens when the emotions prevail over good (...)
Secuencias 24 (Sequences 24), 2008
The patterns that unfold from genetic activity are continuously changing, responding to the circumstances in which each organism is immersed. Such patterns respond to the nonlinear dynamics of (...)
Canal*ACCESSIBLE, 2006
GENEVE* accessible, 2008