Sin Título (ciencia ficción)[No Title (science fiction)], 2001
Sin Título (ciencia ficción)[No Title (science fiction)], 2001

In the same space, we find two installations that deal with the hybrid, connective nature of new bodies. Suspended above visitors, there are five visions of the prosthetic body that (...)


José, un robot autista (José, an autistic robot), 2007

The simple fact that the word “robot” comes from the word for “servant” in Czech demonstrates that the notion that robots were created to serve us is deeply embedded in the popular psyche. They bring (...)


POEtic-Cubes, 2007/08

I am in the dark space, and silence. In the background I can see a luminous mass of intense colours. It is the mother cell. I head towards her and then the process of cellular self-replication (...)


Luci. Sin nombre y sin memoria (Luci. With no name and no memory), 2008

Nature, regardless of the organization or the type of material one considers, is full of oscillators. Everything can be seen as oscillating systems: from energy emissions in the form of (...)


Vacuum Virtual Machine, 2008

Different and changing shapes flow on a screen. What apparently seem like simple random, strictly plastic, configurations are actually 3D graphics displaying data observable by the visitors (...)


SEACEXLABoralFundación TelefónicaZKMInstitut Ramon LlullMediaLabMadridINBAsociación BanqueteUnesco
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