Reina (Queen), 2007

Visitors see before them an almost completely closed room. Entrance is forbidden given that its only access is a small 20cm opening. Located in this present but inaccessible space is The Control (...)


Reflecting JCC Brain Research II, 2007

What is the difference between a normal and an abnormal mind? A balanced mix of rational thought and emotion guides our social behaviour, but what happens when the emotions prevail over good (...)


Cajal and Neural Circuits

A hypothesis on the organisation of the nervous system In the times of Cajal, the prevalent hypothesis on the organisation of the nervous system was the reticular theory, which argued that the (...)


Sin Título (ciencia ficción)[No Title (science fiction)], 2001
Sin Título (ciencia ficción)[No Title (science fiction)], 2001

In the same space, we find two installations that deal with the hybrid, connective nature of new bodies. Suspended above visitors, there are five visions of the prosthetic body that (...)


Tangle, 2008

A tangle of cables scattered in the exhibition space and ends up covering with the walls and ceilings with unsettling images. The artist uses these incredible and delicate structures as a (...)


SEACEXLABoralFundación TelefónicaZKMInstitut Ramon LlullMediaLabMadridINBAsociación BanqueteUnesco
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