Tvlata, 2007

The project began based on workshops organized and produced by the Spanish International Cooperation Agency for Development (, carried out with the Grupo Cultural Bagunçaço (...)


Blanca sobre negra (White on black), 2004

Blanca sobre negra tells us little stories of the inhabitants of a quiet little town called Blanca. Using the registers of the documentary, the camera explores the micro-stories of three weavers (...)


Banco común de Conocimientos[BCC] (Common Knowledge Bank), 2006/08

Iis logical to think that the so-called Information and Knowledge Society we find ourselves in today assigns special value to information and knowledge, understood now as the agents driving the (...)


Networks, the vital principle

The genetic code of this article: sequence in time: red, black, blue, green (red and blue, text by Rasskin-Gutman) (black and green, text by Ángela D. Buscalioni). The sequence in space, as it (...)


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