WikiPlaza / Plaza de las Libertades, Sevilla, 2006
WikiPlaza / Plaza de las Libertades Sevilla explores the translation of practices and tools used by digital communities to the construction of a hybrid public space, a citizens’ cyborg territory. (...)
Language, genealogy and inheritance. The construction of social networks
In one of its countless branching events, the evolutionary process had certain multicellular eukaryotes turn into animals, and then some primates develop their brains enormously. Evolution made (...)
Googlegrama: Prestige (GoogleGram: Prestige), 2007
Ozono and Prestige are part of a wider series called Googlegrams. Technically, a Googlegram is the result of the collision of two apparently different worlds: the Google search engine and the (...)The project uses approximately 500 photographic images of the city of Madrid offering different points of views which, when combined, create various narrative possibilities. Each group of images (...) is a project focused since 2003 on the creation of digital communities through the use of mobile phones with built-in cameras. The immediate dissemination via Internet of audiovisual (...)
Mur.muros / Distopía #2, 2007/08
The various networks we inhabit are interconnected with each other in an incessant dynamic process of mutual influence and interaction. The different scales of these networks and processes we (...)A hypothesis on the organisation of the nervous system In the times of Cajal, the prevalent hypothesis on the organisation of the nervous system was the reticular theory, which argued that the (...)
Secuencias 24 (Sequences 24), 2008
The patterns that unfold from genetic activity are continuously changing, responding to the circumstances in which each organism is immersed. Such patterns respond to the nonlinear dynamics of (...)
Googlegrama: Ozono (Googlegram: Ozone), 2006
Joan Fontcuberta has incorporated play as a determining factor in developing his projects and in their resulting relationship with the public. One must know how to play to approach many of his (...)
Observatorio, (Observatory), 2008
One of our previous projects called “Red Libre Red Visible” (Free Network, Visible Network). Begun in 2004, it reflected on hybrid public space and supported free network social movements. It arose (...)
Aire, Sonido, Poder (Air, Sound, Power), 2008
Social Control Technologies with Sound “Let sounds be themselves”, wrote John Cage, deservedly the most quoted artist. Anthropologist Jacques Maquet claims that “there is a universal aesthetic (...)Different and changing shapes flow on a screen. What apparently seem like simple random, strictly plastic, configurations are actually 3D graphics displaying data observable by the visitors (...)
Otras Geologías 9 (Other Geologies 9), 2005
A large-scale photograph covering the whole wall shows a tangle of elements that could well be seen as a metaphor of communication society and of its most conspicuous offspring: the network (...)