WikiPlaza / Plaza de las Libertades, Sevilla, 2006

WikiPlaza / Plaza de las Libertades Sevilla explores the translation of practices and tools used by digital communities to the construction of a hybrid public space, a citizens’ cyborg territory. (...)


Tvlata, 2007

The project began based on workshops organized and produced by the Spanish International Cooperation Agency for Development (, carried out with the Grupo Cultural Bagunçaço (...)


Blanca sobre negra (White on black), 2004

Blanca sobre negra tells us little stories of the inhabitants of a quiet little town called Blanca. Using the registers of the documentary, the camera explores the micro-stories of three weavers (...)


Geografías emergentes (Emergent geographies), 2007

Geografías emergentes explored unusual territorial experiments starting in places on the periphery of the European and global context which are now becoming central to the contemporary (...)


Madrid Mousaic, 2005

The project uses approximately 500 photographic images of the city of Madrid offering different points of views which, when combined, create various narrative possibilities. Each group of images (...)


Canal*MOTOBOY, 2007/08 is a project focused since 2003 on the creation of digital communities through the use of mobile phones with built-in cameras. The immediate dissemination via Internet of audiovisual (...)


Mur.muros / Distopía #2, 2007/08

The various networks we inhabit are interconnected with each other in an incessant dynamic process of mutual influence and interaction. The different scales of these networks and processes we (...)


Networks in the nanoworld

When we observe the world around us, we perceive that inorganic as well as organic matter, inert materials as well as living beings, are characterised by an ability to self-organise forming (...)


Aire, Sonido, Poder (Air, Sound, Power), 2008

Social Control Technologies with Sound “Let sounds be themselves”, wrote John Cage, deservedly the most quoted artist. Anthropologist Jacques Maquet claims that “there is a universal aesthetic (...)


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