WikiPlaza / Plaza de las Libertades, Sevilla, 2006

WikiPlaza / Plaza de las Libertades Sevilla explores the translation of practices and tools used by digital communities to the construction of a hybrid public space, a citizens’ cyborg territory. (...)


Tvlata, 2007

The project began based on workshops organized and produced by the Spanish International Cooperation Agency for Development (, carried out with the Grupo Cultural Bagunçaço (...)


The role of information networks in the evolution of social complexity

1. The evolution of societies toward complexity One of the themes most discussed in the social sciences pertains to the sources and evolution of social complexity. Here, we will explore how (...)


Crédulos (Credulous), 2002

One can establish an interactive relationship with a work, but none can be more meaningful than that which emerges from self-awareness, that which signifies an actual change in self-perception. (...)


Language, genealogy and inheritance. The construction of social networks

In one of its countless branching events, the evolutionary process had certain multicellular eukaryotes turn into animals, and then some primates develop their brains enormously. Evolution made (...)


La intención (The intention), 2008

Marta de Gonzalo and Publio Pérez have developed an artistic discourse linking their production to educational practices; that is, they have established as a premise that the artistic function is, (...)


El día E de la energía (E-day for energy), 2008

Globalisation means the possibility to access new markets, suppliers.. competition and access to goods all over the planet…This increases the offer variety, it means many oportunities for the (...)


Terre di Nessuno: Arenas Movedizas (No man’s land: Quicksand), 2002/08

Truth is the least certain of things. It has reached the point where it is nothing but an empty aspiration, lacking content. Instead, we talk about whether something seems plausible: about news (...)


The Universal Digital Network

Its extraordinarily advanced approach and content, as well as the structure of his account—a sort of electronic “Hopscotch/Rayuela”—may make “Más allá de Internet: la Red Universal Digital” (Beyond the (...)


Blanca sobre negra (White on black), 2004

Blanca sobre negra tells us little stories of the inhabitants of a quiet little town called Blanca. Using the registers of the documentary, the camera explores the micro-stories of three weavers (...)


X-Devian. The New Technologies To The People System, 2003

X-Devian and the Reprogramming of Free Software Culture. Although the use of free and open source software is becoming more widespread among non-specialist users all over the world, its (...)


Geografías emergentes (Emergent geographies), 2007

Geografías emergentes explored unusual territorial experiments starting in places on the periphery of the European and global context which are now becoming central to the contemporary (...)


Emerging Territories and Reticular Production

The war of dreams Let’s squat the air and drown the Geneva summits into Wifi-clouds! Let’s civilize the sky and occupy the satellites for community media! Let’s flood the fiber networks with (...)


Social Sythesizer_Prototype, 2008

Social Synthesizer_Prototype is the premiere of the emerging audiovisual synthesis technique called Social Synthesis in which a community of users can submit abstract data into a database which (...)


Madrid Mousaic, 2005

The project uses approximately 500 photographic images of the city of Madrid offering different points of views which, when combined, create various narrative possibilities. Each group of images (...)


Canal*MOTOBOY, 2007/08 is a project focused since 2003 on the creation of digital communities through the use of mobile phones with built-in cameras. The immediate dissemination via Internet of audiovisual (...)


Mur.muros / Distopía #2, 2007/08

The various networks we inhabit are interconnected with each other in an incessant dynamic process of mutual influence and interaction. The different scales of these networks and processes we (...)


Protomembrana, 2006

Protomembrana is presented as a theoretical and practical lesson on systemwriting; that is, on "playwriting" for computer systems. Using words, music, and graphic animation as a multimedia whole (...)


Reflecting JCC Brain Research II, 2007

What is the difference between a normal and an abnormal mind? A balanced mix of rational thought and emotion guides our social behaviour, but what happens when the emotions prevail over good (...)


Observatorio, (Observatory), 2008

One of our previous projects called “Red Libre Red Visible” (Free Network, Visible Network). Begun in 2004, it reflected on hybrid public space and supported free network social movements. It arose (...)


Todas las historias (All the stories), 2001/08

An online work in progress with a participative narrative, Todas las historias is basically an archive of short narrations on Internet. An open process consisting of a library of micro life (...)


Tecura 4.0, 2005/08

Development today in the neurosciences gives special importance to the role of the organic, to its materiality, as the basis of all knowledge. The Cartesian dualism that formerly classified (...)


Exchanging ideas is the stage prior to proposing alternatives

The students who took Saint-Germain Boulevard by storm in May 1968 shouted, “Beneath the cobblestones, the beach!” The first large wave, however, took a year to roll in, and it came to Rome. In (...)


Otras Geologías 9 (Other Geologies 9), 2005

A large-scale photograph covering the whole wall shows a tangle of elements that could well be seen as a metaphor of communication society and of its most conspicuous offspring: the network (...)


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