Tvlata, 2007

The project began based on workshops organized and produced by the Spanish International Cooperation Agency for Development (, carried out with the Grupo Cultural Bagunçaço (...)


El día E de la energía (E-day for energy), 2008

Globalisation means the possibility to access new markets, suppliers.. competition and access to goods all over the planet…This increases the offer variety, it means many oportunities for the (...)


Terre di Nessuno: Arenas Movedizas (No man’s land: Quicksand), 2002/08

Truth is the least certain of things. It has reached the point where it is nothing but an empty aspiration, lacking content. Instead, we talk about whether something seems plausible: about news (...)


Canal*MOTOBOY, 2007/08 is a project focused since 2003 on the creation of digital communities through the use of mobile phones with built-in cameras. The immediate dissemination via Internet of audiovisual (...)


Todas las historias (All the stories), 2001/08

An online work in progress with a participative narrative, Todas las historias is basically an archive of short narrations on Internet. An open process consisting of a library of micro life (...)


SEACEXLABoralFundación TelefónicaZKMInstitut Ramon LlullMediaLabMadridINBAsociación BanqueteUnesco
web in progress