WikiPlaza / Plaza de las Libertades, Sevilla, 2006
WikiPlaza / Plaza de las Libertades Sevilla explores the translation of practices and tools used by digital communities to the construction of a hybrid public space, a citizens’ cyborg territory. (...)
Terre di Nessuno: Arenas Movedizas (No man’s land: Quicksand), 2002/08
Truth is the least certain of things. It has reached the point where it is nothing but an empty aspiration, lacking content. Instead, we talk about whether something seems plausible: about news (...)
Social Sythesizer_Prototype, 2008
Social Synthesizer_Prototype is the premiere of the emerging audiovisual synthesis technique called Social Synthesis in which a community of users can submit abstract data into a database which (...)Protomembrana is presented as a theoretical and practical lesson on systemwriting; that is, on "playwriting" for computer systems. Using words, music, and graphic animation as a multimedia whole (...)
The genetic code of this article: sequence in time: red, black, blue, green (red and blue, text by Rasskin-Gutman) (black and green, text by Ángela D. Buscalioni). The sequence in space, as it (...)
Reflecting JCC Brain Research II, 2007
What is the difference between a normal and an abnormal mind? A balanced mix of rational thought and emotion guides our social behaviour, but what happens when the emotions prevail over good (...)
Modulador de Luz 3.0 (Light Modulator 3.0), 2006/08
A uniquely human characteristic is that all the functional apparatuses of a human can never be sated; they are always eager for new impressions after each new perception. This explains the (...)
José, un robot autista (José, an autistic robot), 2007
The simple fact that the word “robot” comes from the word for “servant” in Czech demonstrates that the notion that robots were created to serve us is deeply embedded in the popular psyche. They bring (...)I am in the dark space, and silence. In the background I can see a luminous mass of intense colours. It is the mother cell. I head towards her and then the process of cellular self-replication (...)
Canal*ACCESSIBLE, 2006
GENEVE* accessible, 2008
Aire, Sonido, Poder (Air, Sound, Power), 2008
Social Control Technologies with Sound “Let sounds be themselves”, wrote John Cage, deservedly the most quoted artist. Anthropologist Jacques Maquet claims that “there is a universal aesthetic (...)Development today in the neurosciences gives special importance to the role of the organic, to its materiality, as the basis of all knowledge. The Cartesian dualism that formerly classified (...)
Exchanging ideas is the stage prior to proposing alternatives
The students who took Saint-Germain Boulevard by storm in May 1968 shouted, “Beneath the cobblestones, the beach!” The first large wave, however, took a year to roll in, and it came to Rome. In (...)